Making genuine and lasting change: the Roadmap to Clothing Circularity

April 29, 2024
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On average, every Australian buys 56 items of clothing yearly, most of which are made from non-sustainable, non-durable materials that eventually end up in landfill.

In late 2022, the Australian Government shared a vision and commitment to transition Australia to a circular economy by 2030 and Net Zero by 2050.

In order to achieve circularity by 2030, the Australian clothing industry needs to fundamentally transform the way clothing is designed, produced, consumed and disposed of, both locally and on a global scale.

This significant transformation will require courage, creativity and collaboration. Key industry stakeholders, including government and leaders across the clothing value chain, will need to work together to drive innovation and achieve what no single organisation can do alone.

By transforming outdated business models, driving innovation, changing citizen behaviour and recirculating clothing, the Australian clothing industry has the potential to become a circular economy leader, setting an example to other industries locally and globally.

This world leading initiative aims to improve the design, recovery, reuse and recycling of clothing in Australia, providing a roadmap to circularity by 2030.

Read the Roadmap to Clothing Circularity